Tuesday, September 15, 2009


  1. I'm so glad you guys have a blog! Your engagement pictures are so cute. Seriously they are some of the best I've ever seen! Awesome photographer. I can only imagine what your wedding pictures will look like. (: My blog is private but if you want and invite just send me an email at daynapenrod@yahoo.com.

  2. Congrats Eric!!! Love your engagement pics! I won't be able to come to your reception but I want an invite!!!

  3. Yay for getting a blog! Congrats again! The date is right around the corner! Being married to your best friend is the most exciting and wonderful feeling in the world! You two are going to be so happy together!

  4. Cute Blog! Glad I found it! Casey & I would love to hear how you guys are doing! Hope married life is a dream come true! All your pictures are super cute!

  5. So cute! but you really need to update!
