Monday, November 5, 2012

I Am Thankful: Days 3, 4, & 5

So I'm behind because we don't have Internet at the new house yet and Eric and I moved over on Saturday and have been staying there until everyone else comes over. It's been nice to have a couple days alone:) So today I get to write about 3 things I'm thankful for!

Day 3: I Am Thankful For... My relationship with Heavenly Father and my savior, Jesus Christ, my faith, the church, my testimony of the gospel, and the opportunity to live in a country where I have freedom of religion.

Day 4: I Am Thankful For... Our new house to live in so that everyone can have their own space and that my parents can have a nice house to live in long term. It is closer to work for Eric and has a beautiful kitchen that we can all gather in. I can't wait until Christmas to have everyone over and to fill this huge house with people I love so much.

Day 5: I Am Thankful For... Insurance. We have had the huge blessing of working with insurance companies through our employment that has allowed us to do fertility treatments that most insurances don't cover. It is becoming more and more rare to have fertility coverage through employer insurance and we have been so fortunate to have had the chance to do 3 IUI cycles and 2 IVF cycles with minimal out of pocket cost to us. For those 5 cycles, without insurance, we'd have to pay around $40,000. So I am very very Thankful for that huge blessing in our lives:)

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